Iridology. Your Eyes Are Unique!
They say the eyes are the window to your soul. Actually, eyes are far more than that. Eyes can tell much about your health, and an Iridology scan is not invasive. Iridology, also known as Iris Photography, while it may seem new-age, has been used since the late 1600s.
What Is Iridology?
Iridology is the process of looking at the eye, particularly the iris, to see patterns, colours, shapes and unusual markings within the eye. The aim is to view the systemic health of a client by studying its makeup. A trained Iridologist will then refer the markings in the eye to an iridology eye chart. Imagine the eye as a screen on which the central and autonomic nervous systems project information about what is happening all over the body.
Here, the irides are miniature recording screens which are made up of thousands of nerve fibres. These groups of fibres represent different parts of the body. So, book a consultation with one of our qualified Naturopaths at Nurtura Health and see how Iridology can reveal what your eye map says about you.
Will It Hurt?
No! The procedure requires the client to open their eyes while having a photo taken of each eye. We then print out the photos, give you a copy to keep and we add one to the Naturopath’s file. The non-invasive mapping is then recorded and monitored over time for changes. And, did you know that Iridology is included in an initial Naturopathic appointment, or it can be a stand alone appointment?
What Are The Benefits Of Iridology?
Iridology is not a form of treatment. Instead, it looks within the body to see what can be happening on the inside. Additionally, it is used to look at tissue changes in the body, which are reflected as signs and discolourations in the eyes. Depending on your results, our friendly Naturopath will thoroughly discuss their findings and create a treatment plan for you.
“Analysis of the iris has ancient roots, but iridology in its present sense was established by Philippi Meyers in 1670. The discipline was further developed by Ignaz Péczely in 1881 and by Nils Liljequist in 1890. Other studies have been published in Germany, Sweden, Norway, England, France, USA, Australia and elsewhere, and iridology is performed worldwide.”
Source: National Library of Medicine
Like fingerprints, no two irises are alike. If you have any questions or wish to book an appointment, contact our qualified team at Nurtura Health. We’d love to assist your health journey.